(603) 964-5501

201 Atlantic Avenue 


North Hampton School

Weekly Note from Ms. Snyder 9/8/2023

Sept. 8, 2023

Dear NHS Families,

It’s been a hot week, but we have been relatively comfortable here at NHS. We have many air conditioning units in place in classrooms, large industrial fans in the hallways, and AC in the library, computer lab, music rooms, OT room, and one art room. We’ve even utilized our sprinkler a few times to cool off outside. The forecast looks more moderate for next week.


7th Grade Trip

Our 7th graders have been on the second annual trip to Camp Kieve this week for 3 days. They participated in Camp Kieve’s Leadership School Curriculum that incorporates nature with activities in which students can connect, get to know one another, and get to their own strengths and challenges.


Opportunity to participate in PEAR Holistic Student Assessment–Grades 3-8

PEAR stands for Partnerships in Education and Resilience. The Holistic Student Assessment or HSA is in survey format and aims to identify student strengths and needs by endorsing statements like, “I enjoy lunch with my friends,” and having students rate their agreement or disagreement on a scale from 1-5. Your written consent is required and you are not obligated to have your child participate. That said, the results will be shared with parents and can provide insights for both individual students and our school population as a group if we have significant levels of participation. Please read the attached letter and return it to school  by Sept. 15th, if you wish for your child to participate. We encourage you to consider this opportunity. If you have any questions, please contact our school counselor, Liz Fiore.


Curriculum Night–Sept. 14th for Grades :K-6 and Sept. 18 for Grades 7 & 8

We will hold our traditional Curriculum Night for parents of students in grades PK-6 on Sept. 14th. Curriculum Night for parents of students in grades 7 & 8 will take place on Sept. 18th. These events will take place in-person and we will provide simultaneous opportunities for parents to join a Google Meet (virtual meeting) during the presentations so they can view and listen from home. Students DO NOT attend this event as it is designed to communicate grade level expectations and curriculum with parents. Your child’s teacher will send a google invitation if you would like to join remotely. Here is the schedule for the evening presentations:

Sept. 14: Grades PK-6

5:30-6:00: Presentations in grades PK-4

6:00-6:30: Visit UA classrooms (in person only)--Art, Music, PE, Library, Tech, Spanish

6:30-7:00: Presentations in grades 4-5

Sept. 18: Grades 7-8

6:00: 7th Grade Presentations

6:20: 8th Grade Presentations


School Picture Day

SMILE! School Picture Day is Sept. 14th. 


PAL Fundraiser

Look for information on PAL’s upcoming fundraiser to come home next week. 


Cook Center Resources Available to Parents

This year, we have partnered with the Cook Center to offer parenting support for any families that may wish to take advantage of online parent coaching. Please see the flyer below.  All services are confidential and the Cook Center will not share any information about which families take advantage of the service. 



Dates to remember:

Sept. 11: First full day of school for Kindergarten

Sept. 14: School Picture Day

Sept. 14: Curriculum Night for parents of students in grades PK-6 from 5:30-7:00 PM

Sept. 18: Curriculum Night for parents of students in grades 7-8 from 6:00-6:45 PM

Sept. 29: No school–PD day for staff

Oct. 6: Early release day–12:00 dismissal for Parent Conferences

Oct. 9: No school-Indigenous Peoples/Columbus Day

Nov. 7: No school–Election Day

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