(603) 964-5501

201 Atlantic Avenue 


North Hampton School

Weekly Note from Ms. Snyder 11/9/2023

November 9, 2023

Dear NHS Families,

We had a wonderful Veteran’s Day Assembly today. Our Student Government group planned, organized, and hosted the annual event. The assembly opened with  the Pledge of Allegiance and the Star Spangled Banner, sung by the 3rd graders. There was special VIP seating for veterans and their families. Two speakers, LCDR Lyle Humpton and Army Nurse April Phelps shared their experiences from their military service with students. Both reinforced the notion that service to others can be done in many ways. 3rd graders sang “Thank You Soldiers,” and then one of our middle schoolers read the book, “Heroes in Our Neighborhood,” by Valerie Pfundstein. We closed with Taps performed by Tyler Kastejna, and the echo performed by May Mitchell and Vera McCown. Middle School students who hosted both the assembly and the breakfast for veterans are: Eddie Preston, Layne Failey, Molly Stein, Edward McNamara, Diya Sandeep, and the students mentioned above who performed Taps. Thank you to these students, our special guests, and Student Government Advisors, Liz Fiore and Mara Derosier. Look for a video of this assembly to be posted on our website soon.

Message from PAL:

Monday, 11/13: Community Night at Community Oven

Join us for a fun Community Night at Community Oven on Monday, 11/13 from 4-9pm.  You can take a break from cooking before the busy holiday week.  The 5 hour time window allows for dine in or take out between work and extracurricular activities!  20% of all proceeds will go directly to PAL to support our school.  



The monthly PAL meeting is Wednesday, 11/15  in NHS Library from 6-7pm.


Safety Drill

We conduct fire drills each month. We also practice other drills for evacuation with students. Recently, each class has learned one or two meeting places in the event they need to exit the building quickly and not wait for their teacher. We don’t publicly share our meeting places or evacuation locations for security reasons. Our staff are very well trained and are careful to assure students that they know what to do in emergency situations. We partner with North Hampton Police and Fire Departments on all of our emergency planning and drills. We will be conducting a whole school drill practicing getting to our meeting places quickly  sometime next week. This should feel much like a fire drill for students as they have already been taught where their meeting places are and practiced going to them with their classes. Because emergency situations can change rapidly, we reinforce with students that they need to STOP, LOOK, and LISTEN for instructions from their teachers as they may be directed to go to a place they don’t usually go to. 


School Psychologist News

Congratulations to Haleigh Hutcheson and her husband on the birth of their daughter, Finley on Nov. 6th!


NHS Talent Show

Our annual Talent Show will take place on Nov. 17th at 6 PM in the school cafeteria. There will be singing, dancing, and even a video highlighting some staff talents! Even if your child didn’t sign up to be in the show, families are welcome to attend. Elementary students (K-5) who attend must be accompanied by an adult family member.


Gift of Giving

We are fortunate to have been selected by The Paper Store to be the recipient of their annual Gift of Giving charity event.

For every purchase of the "Gift of Giving Ornament" at the Seabrook Southgate Plaza location from November 20 - 26, SAU 21 schools will receive $1. Additionally, the shopper will receive 20% off their entire purchase.



Dates to remember:

Nov. 10: No school-Veteran’s Day

Nov. 13: Community Night at Community Oven

Nov. 15: PAL meeting at 6 PM

Nov. 17: Talent Show at 6 PM

Nov. 22-24: Thanksgiving Break

Nov. 30: Last day of trimester 1

Dec. 1: No school–Staff Professional Day

Dec. 11: Report cards available for parents to view in Powerschool Parent Portal


Cook Center Resources Available to Parents

This year, we have partnered with the Cook Center to offer parenting support for any families that may wish to take advantage of online parent coaching. Please see the flyer below.  All services are confidential and the Cook Center will not share any information about which families take advantage of the service. 




Message from North Hampton Public Library

The North Hampton Library staff asked us to send this information out to parents. They love having your children visit the library, but also need to enforce their policies so that the library is a safe and happy place for all visitors. Please read it carefully and check out their policy on children in the library.

 Children under the age of eleven (11) may not be left unattended at the library unless that child is attending a library program that specifically states that participating children do not have to have a parent in attendance with them. A child is unattended if a parent is not present with the child at all times while in the library. 

 At the discretion of a parent, a child aged eleven (11) to thirteen (13) may be left unattended for up to 2 hours as long as the child knows how to reach a parent in case the need arises. Children may not be left longer than two hours; the library does not provide child care services. 





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